Interval Scherzo

for piano solo by Anne Ku

work in progress - for review only, not for distribution

18 December 2005

My composition teacher, Caroline Ansink, taught me the interval technique in 2004 in
which you decide the intervals to use, and every consecutive note or chord can go up
or down that interval from the previous. The resulting piece sounds quite modern.

premiered by Elwin Hendrianto, 22 March 2005, Utrecht Conservatory concert hall


MP3 file (3.1 MB, 2 min 47 sec, live recording of Hendrianto's premiere, 22 March 2005)

Elwin Hendrianto, also spelled Elwin Hendrijanto, is a talented young pianist from Indonesia. I asked him to play debut the Interval Scherzo and Toccata on an Elegie Theme after watching him perform in a concert. No matter what I wrote, I knew he would be able to interpret it well. I was right.

Comments gratefully appreciated. Please contact me using this form.

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