Robert Bekkers
received his performing and teaching degrees at the Conservatory of Maastricht. He has also studied contemporary music with Angelo Gilardino in Italy. Robert teaches guitar at the music school in Hoofddorp and performs as a soloist and an ensemble musician. His new violin/guitar duo performs most of his arrangements. More....
Robert Bekkers plays a 2005 Jeroen Hilhorst concert guitar, custom-made for the duo.
Robert Bekker's first stop on his first trip to the USA is Houston, Texas.

Anne Ku
studied piano under Betsy Hermann in Okinawa and Randall Love at Duke University on a full scholarship. She has accompanied soloists and choirs in auditions and concerts in Okinawa, Colombia, the USA, and London. As an adjunct lecturer, Anne has taught in Leiden, London, North Cyprus, and Italy. She is finishing her degree in composition at Utrecht Conservatory. More...
Anne Ku lived in a loft apartment at Waterford Square, 2300 West Alabama and Kirby in Houston from 1996 to 1997. After moving back to London, she changed jobs and travelled to Houston on assignment between 2000 and 2002. So frequent were her visits that she considered Houston her second home. It's been over 5 years since she was last in Houston.
Houston Performances
Through the generosity of our friends, we performed in two house concerts in Houston. In between, we appeared on Houston Public Radio's Front Row programme for one hour of live music and interviews. Below are some feedback from the guests and radio listeners..... More to come...
Sunday 16 December 2007
1925 Stegler grand piano
Home of Michael Flynn and Richard Maier
(near Memorial Park)
Houston, Texas 77007
Monday 17 December 2007
9ft New York Steinway grand
Live interview and music on "Front Row" programme
Houston Public Radio, KUHF 88.7FM (interview/music)
Monday 17 December 2007
1920 Bechstein grand piano
Villa de Joe Walker
near Richmond & Montrose
Houston, Texas 77006
The intimate recital presented by Anne Ku and Robert Bekkers
enchanted its audience from beginning to end. Their commitment to the
fascinating repertoire of this neglected but deserving music had the
crowd cheering after each selection and furthermore believing that the
guitar and piano duo merits a serious revival. Thankfully, Ms. Ku and
Mr. Bekkers have the passion, skill, and expertise to capably spark
such a renaissance. Adam Tendler, pianist, composer, and Artistic Director of Foundation for Modern Music, Houston Texas
Thoroughly enjoyed your Houston radio presentation of classical
works and would love to be apprised of future public concerts. When I hear you two play, my first reaction (content-wise) is that you come across as marvelous "thematic" artists. Please produce a classical CD even though you offer free online downloads. Most of all, keep the harmonic music coming. The world already has too much discord. I look forward to your next concert locally and am even considering perhaps to center a vacation around your visit to another city/country. Walter Schmidt, Oglesby Texas
I am currently a truck driver in Houston, Tx and was listening to you the other day "live" in the studio here in Houston and just wanted to say I really enjoyed hearing you and I guess it was your wife on piano. At 41 years old, it has inspired me to get my own guitar, and learn how to play, finally, after wanting to for so long and just never doing it. You have been an inspiration to me. THANKS. Matt Smith, Houston Texas
I loved meeting you both - it was very refreshing to hear a piano/guitar duo concert! Your repertoire is interesting and unique (that piece by Tedesco is really little jewel) and your commissioning of new works by living composers is an important endeavor that I wish could be emulated by the contemporary-averse current musical culture. Best wishes and I look forward to your next visit and concert. Rodolfo Morales, Houston Texas
What an enjoyable and memorable experience Susan and I had last Monday at Joe Walker's lovely Villa. You two are such a perfect match. Your choice of repertoire and masterful technique and the lovely and intimate fireside setting made for a truly magical evening. I am so glad to have been invited to attend. Home concerts are such a wonderful way to enjoy the finer things in life...Good Friends, good repast and beautiful music. Please keep us abreast of your agenda and let us know when you are planning to be in Houston again. I know of some other possible venues and homes with fine pianos such as Joe's vintage Bechstein. I have had the opportunity to be involved in the placement of many excellent pianos in some of Houston's finest homes, and given enough time, I think I can help put something together to make more visits here worthwhile. I really appreciate your taking the time to pay me a visit at my (piano) store on Tuesday. Robert's incredible Custom Guitar is still being talked about. Mark Dvorak, Houston Texas
I was there on Sunday and enjoyed the evening so very much. It was unique and the music played with true artistic feeling not just technique. ... to hear your fingers dance on the piano! Janet Hassinger, Galveston Texas
I'm really sorry that I missed your performance Monday evening. But I did hear you on the radio, and found it exciting and wonderful. I look forward to hearing you in person ...sometime. Best wishes, Gertrude Barnstone, Houston Texas
I so loved your music together. It takes so much time and experience to accomplish what you two have together. Both in music and relationship. Linda Marroquin, Houston Texas
It was fantastic. New and interesting music, beautiful sound, with guitar and piano nicely balanced, and the radio station did a fantastic job of the recording. Tom Rose, Utrecht Netherlands
I downloaded the radio show + interview afterwards. I listened to it with Linda, my girlfriend. We think it was really great, the interview was very good, and the music very nice. Good to hear you talk about and play your music on radio :) . The interviewer sounded really enthusiastic about you and the music! All the best and succes from the very cold (0 degrees at the moment) Holland, Dennis Kersten, Hilversum Netherlands
It was really amazing, stunning and beautiful at the same time and a completely new experience for us to listen to the marvelous music, both of you played -live!- during your concert at the radio station, all the way from Houston. This was the first time for us that we listened to a live concert on our computer with a time difference of minus 8 hours. Truly amazing. We listened with great pleasure and we are so proud of both of you. MeiMei & Jaap, The Netherlands
I'm sometimes amazed that human beings can make such stirring and beautiful sounds. It is good to be reminded. It has been a treat to hear your music and Robert's and to learn about the various composers. Thank you. Tanyo Ravicz, Palm Springs California
That was the first time I heard a duet of piano and guitar. By listening to your conversation with the radio announcer, I had a better understanding of your performance. Rinsei Haimoto, Honolulu Hawaii
You two sound so lovely and moving together. I was transported. It was equally satisfying to hear your voice... and hearing Robert's was a little like meeting him. You sound the same as ever. Thanks for a wonderful experience. Alice Yang, Massachusetts
Congratulations to you and Robert! Thanks to Ayyub (his wonderful spirit), I listened all evening to your music and the Houston concert and interview. I am so proud of you. You've made so much progress as a duo. You made such an impression in Texas, inspiring so many people. Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Houria Niati, London

Introduced by the late Houston-based composer and pianist Robert Avalon, Anne Ku and Robert Bekkers met in Amsterdam in March 2001. More...
The first piece they found and played together was Antonio Vivaldi's Concerto in D Major arranged for harpsichord and guitar. Since then, they have searched the world for original music written for piano and guitar. Their concerts on modern instruments have inspired new composers to write for this combination. More...
Home concerts - including original compositions and arrangements involving local artists and the community - London, Houston, Netherlands. More....
Monument House Concert Series sharing the duo's private space and musicians network with the public, founded in 2006. More...