Anne and Robert have given lecture recitals for the appreciation of music for piano and guitar to composers in Italy and the general audience elsewhere. They demonstrate how the two instruments can be both complementary and compatible.
After 9 years of competing with the grand piano, the guitar survives the battle. Learn top secrets of how to play louder and faster with guitarist Robert Bekkers in a unique workshop called UBERFASTER.
Anne's piano teaching thesis focussed on sight reading. Based on her initial workshop on sightreading for pianists in May 2003 in North Cyprus, she has since expanded these techniques in private lessons for her students.
Why blog? As one of the earliest bloggers, Anne offers insight into the costs and benefits of blogging. What has it done for her? Should you get started? If so, how do you continue?
Are you considering doing a career make-over, such as leaving your full-time profession and turning your hobby or passion into something more serious? Anne shares her experience of leaving the energy industry and become a creative or cultural entrepreneur after meeting Robert. It's not for the faint-hearted.
Anne will write about the steps involved in planning a concert tour after this experience. She is interviewing house concert hosts and producers. |
Anne Ku and Robert Bekkers, photo credit: Serge van Empelen, Amsterdam
The scenic route from Amsterdam to Maui
23 places in 9 states in 40 days
latest update: 17 January 2011
Interested in hosting or organising a house concert for Bekkers Duo?
Read "house concert for your friends" and more guides for producing such concerts
Mon 18 Oct 2010
CONCERTBLOG: The last of everything for the first of everything
Thursday 21 October 2010 @ 20:30
JP Concert Series, St John's Episcopal Church DETAILS
Jamaica Plain, Boston $10 at door. No reservations. Reception follows
Fri 22 Oct 2010 @ 19:30
House concert,
Newton, MA
Sat 23 Oct 2010 @ 19:30
North Meadow House Concert Series, Hampton, CT SOLD OUT
Sun 24 Oct 2010 @ 14:30
Westview Healthcare Center, Dayville, CT
Monday 25 Oct 2010 to Sunderland, MA
CONCERTBLOG: Autumn in New England (part one)
Tuesday 26 Oct 2010 @ 19:30
House concert,
Sherburne Falls, MA
Wednesday 27 October 2010
to Woodstock, NY
Friday 29 October 2010
to Pelham, NY
Sunday 31 Oct 2010 to Raleigh Durham Airport, NC
1 Nov 2010
dinner, discussion, performance
AB Duke Scholars, Duke University, Durham, NC
2 Nov 2010 @ 20:00 FREE
Nelson Music Room,
Duke University, Durham, NC
Local microbrewery afterwards
3 Nov 2010 to Phoenix, AZ via Memphis
CONCERTBLOG: 4 concerts in Arizona in 2 days, 10 Dec 2010
4 Nov 2010 @ 19:15 FREE
Glendale Community College, Phoenix, AZ
Music Building II Room 151
6000 W. Olive Ave
Glendale AZ 85302
5 Nov 2010 @ 11:00 FREE
Paradise Valley Community College, Phoenix, AZ
5 November 2010 @ 14:00 FREE
Arizona State University
Organ Hall
ASU Guitar Studio
5 Nov 2010 @ 19:00 FREE
Spirit of the Senses, Salon concert & discussion, Phoenix, AZ
6 Nov 2010 @ 19:00 - 22:00
Private concert, Houston, TX
CONCERTBLOG: Anne Ku, pianist, 20 Nov 2010 (photos)
CONCERTBLOG: Robert Bekkers, classical guitarist, 20 Nov 2010 (photo)
10 Nov 2010 FREE
Guitar solo
3 Allen Centre, Houston, TX
CONCERTBLOG: Guitarist vs bartender at 3 Allen Center, 12 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: Houston 2 radio shows and 2 concerts 12 Nov 2010
12 Nov 2010 @ 6 am (Noon GMT) FREE
Bekkers Duo live KPFT, a Pacifica Radio Station
Livingart live streaming on KPFT.org
Arranging music for piano and guitar, house concerts, cocooning, social media networking
Scroll 1/8th into this MP3 to hear our voices and music:
-Arrival of the Queen of Sheba - live at Duke University
-Winter (3rd movement) - live at Duke University
-Sonatina (Torroba) from Summer CD
12 Nov 2010 @ 13:00 FREE
Alkek Lobby, Main building 1st floor
MD Anderson Cancer Center,
1515 Holcomb Blvd, Houston, TX
CONCERTBLOG: Music for cancer sufferers, 13 Dec 2010
12 Nov @ 18:00
Dinner in the home of Grace
House concert: solo guitar, Montrose
CONCERTBLOG: Gourmet Italian feast before a concert in Montrose
CONCERTBLOG: Birthday wish, 10 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: Makeover a la Grace! 30 Nov 2010
13 Nov 2010 @ 18:30 - 22:00
The Artery,
14 Nov 2010 @ 17:00 $15 + CD sales
House concert, Montrose
Jeff Abrams, concert host:
It will be a POTLUCK and BYOB. The Potluck will begin at 5PM and Anne and Robert will play 2 sets of world-class music beginning at 6PM. The suggested donation will be $15. And bring extra cash for CDs. It's a school night but bring instruments for an after-concert jam, just in case.
CONCERTBLOG: House concert formula a la Jeff Abrams, 8 Dec 2010
15 Nov 2010 to Denver, CO
16 Nov 2010 evening
House concert in the home of Melissa Axel, singer / songwriter / pianist
Denver, Colorado
CONCERTBLOG: House concert in Denver
17 Nov 2010 to San Francisco, CA
CONCERTBLOG: Bekkers America Tour: a documentary
CONCERTBLOG: Bekkers Duo America Tour: no agents
CONCERTBLOG: San Francisco Conservatory, 20 Nov 2010
CONCERTBLOG: Practising video interviews in San Francisco, 20 Nov 2010
20 Nov 2010
Musical extravaganza: BOOKINGS
2 pm sightreading piano master class,
6 pm
dinner and conversation,
8 pm
465 SOMA 10th Street,
San Francisco, CA
CONCERTBLOG: A musical extravaganza in San Francisco
CONCERTBLOG: Concert booking and reservation in San Francisco
21 Nov 2010 @ 15:00
Sacramento Guitar Society (1 page PDF)
CONCERTBLOG: Thank you, Sacramento
21 Nov 2010 @18:30 Reservations $10
House concert & Potluck (1 page PDF)
Carmichael, CA
CONCERTBLOG: Bekkers interview in Davis, California
25 Nov 2010
Thanksgiving dinner
Honolulu, HI
CONCERTBLOG: Thanksgiving in Honolulu with Kubasaki alumni
25 Nov 2010 onwards
Maui, Hawaii
CONCERTBLOG: Welcome Robert and Anne to Maui
31 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: KUHF Houston Public Radio The Front Row program:
Bekkers Duuo interview and preview of next CD Winter
CONCERTBLOG: Build a relationship before you meet, 13 Jan 2011
CONCERTBLOG: 2010: a year in reflection, 31 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: How to book a concert tour
part 1: the sizzle
2: content before contact
3: constraints and objectives
CONCERTBLOG: Halfway around the world, 17 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: Optimal duration of a concert, 15 Dec 2010
CONCERTBLOG: Passion and patronage for the arts, 11 Dec 2010
Bekkers Piano Guitar Duo (about)
- individual guitar lessons
- master class / workshop: UBERFASTER (1 page PDF)
